Martin Neumann Приложения

universe2go - English 1.3.9
Martin Neumann
This is the ENGLISH (plus Spanish and Italian)version and contains the ENGLISH audio files .NOTES FOR OTHER LANGUAGES:SPANISH & ITALIAN: The graphical user interface isautomatically switched between ENGLISH, SPANISH and ITALIANaccording to the general language settings of the smartphone.HINWEIS: deutsche Version separat im PlayStore erhältlich!CONSEIL: édition française aussi disponible séparément auPlayStore!universe2go is an audio-visual sky guide.universe2go has two modi:1) Starmap-Mode: use this mode to run universe2go without theAstro-Glasses. This mode has limited functionality.2) Planetarium-Mode: in conjunction with universe2go Astro-Glassesyou experience the the starry sky in a complete new way with audioand augmented reality overlay.How does it work?In conjunction with the AR-Astro-Glassses (AR = augmented reality)you can see the night sky with all the stars AND at the same timeyou will see additional information about the stars andconstellations. This way a symbiosis between the real sky andvirtual graphics and text is created. universe2go will use thesensors of your smartphone to generate the correspondinginformation for the exact spot of the sky that you are lookingat.Maybe you are already familiar with some other starmap apps whichcan do this also (and some claim to do augmented reality, but failsince the smartphone camera is not capable of night sky imaging).But universe2go is very different!!!1) universe2go uses a special algorithm and heuristics to identifythe star you are looking at with high reliability. (feel free tocompare this with other apps!)2) universe2go displays the constellations the same size as theappear in the sky (other apps display them much smaller, making ithard for the beginner to do the matching between screen display andreality)3) univers2go is fun. You get an automatically activated zoom, thatwill show you planets, nebulae, galaxies, satellites and much morewith a mind blowing magnification many images even in 3D!!! That'ssuper cool and fun.universe2go has several modes so you can explore the night sky inmany different ways:1) Discovery-Mode: explore all 88 official constellations. Seelines connecting the appropriate stars and listen to informationdescribing the constellation.2) Mythology-Mode: listen to entertaining stories about theconstellations which have been told by the ancient greeks. This wayyou will easily learn much about the heroes of old, Gods, Beastsand beautiful princesses.3) Deep-Sky-Mode: see images (most of the from the Hubble SpaceTelescope) of planets, nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, comets,satellites in a way that would be impossible even with the besttelescope. Many of them even in 3D which have been processedespecially for universe2go.4) Quiz-Mode: test your knowledge about the night sky. Findconstellation that universe2go will show you.universe2go contains more than 3 hours of excellent audio andhundreds of specially processed images. It contains the completeHipparcos star catalogue (120.000 stars) and NGC catalogue (7.000objects).IMPORTANT: will need the universe2go Astro-Glasses to use thePlanetariums-Mode. (see for getting it)compatible Android smartphones: see
universe2go - français 1.3.9
Martin Neumann
LANGUAGES EN, DE, IT, ES:ENGLISH: english version is separately available in thePlayStoreDEUTSCH: deutsche Version separat im PlayStore erhältlich!SPANISH & ITALIAN: Please load the english version. Thegraphical user interface is automatically switched between ENGLISH,SPANISH and ITALIAN according to the general language settings ofthe smartphone.Universe2go possède 2 modes primaires :1)Mode carte des étoiles : utilisez ce mode, avec desfonctionnalités limités, pour profiter de Universe2Go sans lavisionneuse. 2)Mode planétarium: avec la visionneuse universe2go, vous avez unetoute nouvelle expérience du ciel étoilé accompagnée d’explicationsaudio et des avantages de la réalité augmentée. Comment ça fonctionne :Grâce à la visionneuse des étoiles, vous regardez le ciel réel,avec une image numérique superposée, fournissant simultanément desexplications audiovisuelles sur les étoiles et les constellations.Cette combinaison crée une symbiose parfaite entre le ciel réel etle monde virtuel. Universe2Go utilise les capteurs de votresmartphones pour déterminer votre position sur terre et ladirection dans laquelle vous (et votre visionneuse) dirigez votreregard pour générer les informations et les images numériques desétoiles et autres objets célestes respectives. Vous pouvez déjà vous familiarisez avec d'autres applications decarte des étoiles, qui utilisent des fonctionnalités similaires enréalité augmenté. Cependant, ces applications restent très limitéscar la caméra du smartphone ne fournit pas une bonne qualité duciel pendant la nuit. Mais universe2go est très unique en son genreet possède les avantages distincts sur les autres applications!!! 1) Universe2go utilise un algorithme spécial pour identifier lesétoiles que vous observez à l'instant avec une grande précision,tout en vous permettant d'apprendre beaucoup de choses sur lesétoiles. 2) Universe2go affiche les constellations à la même taille qu'envrai. Utilisez et manipuler universe2go est un jeu d'enfant, car ilsuffit de regarder le ciel réel et toutes les informationsaudiovisuelles se superposent.Quelles options avez vous en plus avec universe2go ? 1) En mode découverte vous pouvez explorer l'ensemble des 88constellations, apprendre comment la visibilité des constellationschange à travers les années et quelles étoiles appartiennent àquelles constellations. Vous pouvez voir les lignes qui relient lesétoiles ensemble et écouter les informations qui décrivent lesconstellations, étoiles et planètes. 2) Dans le mode mythologie, vous pouvez voir des représentations defigures mythologiques, que d'anciennes cultures, tels que lesgrecs, ont associé aux étoiles et écouter les histoires fascinantessur les constellations. Ce mode vous permet d'apprendre facilementles héros, dieux, bêtes et belles princesses de l'antique.3) Dans le mode ciel profond, vous pouvez regarder des images deplanètes, nébuleuses, étoiles, amas d'étoiles, galaxies, comètes,satellites. Explorez les magnifiques différents objets célestes quiparaissent être invisible à nous, mais qui sont présents partoutdans notre univers. Universe2go vous montre les plusimpressionnants beaux objets célestes, qui ont été trèsspécialement sélectionnés pour vous. 4) Dans le mode Quiz vous pouvez tester votre savoir sur le cielnocturne. Trouvez les constellations que universe2go veut vousmontrer. Universe2go contient plus de 3 heures d'explications audio et descentaines d'images soigneusement faites, incluant toutes les 88constellations, le catalogue des étoiles Hipparcos complet (avec120000 étoiles) et le catalogue NGC (7000 objets célestes). IMPORTANT: Vous allez avoir besoin de la visionneuse des étoilesuniverse2go pour utiliser le mode planétarium (Pour plusd'informations LANGUAGES EN, DE, IT,ES:ENGLISH: English version is separately available in the PlayStoreDEUTSCH: deutsche Version separat erhältlich im Play Store!SPANISH & ITALIAN: Please load the English release. Thegraphical user interface is automatically switched entre ENGLISH,SPANISH and ITALIAN selon the general language settings of thesmartphone.Universe2go has two primary modes:1) Fashion star map: Use this mode with limited functionality, toenjoy Universe2Go without the viewer.2) planetarium mode: with the viewer universe2go, you have a wholenew experience of the starry sky accompanied by audio explanationsand benefits of augmented reality.How it works :With the stars viewer, you look at the real sky, with asuperimposed digital image simultaneously providing audiovisualexplanations of the stars and constellations. This combinationcreates a perfect symbiosis between the real and the virtual worldsky. Universe2Go uses the sensors of your smartphone to determineyour position on earth and the direction in which you (and yourviewer) direct your gaze to generate information and digital imagesof stars and other celestial objects respectively.You can already get familiar with other stars card applications,which use similar functionality actually increased. However, theseapplications are very limited because the smartphone camera doesnot provide a good quality of the sky at night. But universe2go isvery unique and has distinct advantages over other applications!!!1) Universe2go uses a special algorithm to identify the stars thatyou see at the time with great accuracy, while allowing you tolearn a lot about the stars.2) Universe2go shows the constellations at the same size that true.Use and manipulate universe2go is a breeze, because just look atthe real sky and all the audiovisual informationsuperimposed.What options do you have more with universe2go?1) discovery mode you can explore all 88 constellations, learn howto change the visibility of the constellations through the yearsand which stars belong to which constellations. You can see thelines that connect the stars together and listen to the informationthat describes the constellations, stars and planets.2) In the mythology mode, you can view representations ofmythological figures, that ancient cultures such as the Greeks,were associated with the stars and listen to fascinating storiesabout the constellations. This mode allows you to easily learn theheroes, gods, animals and beautiful princesses of theancient.3) In the deep sky mode, you can view images of planets, nebulae,stars, star clusters, galaxies, comets, satellites. Explore thedifferent beautiful celestial objects which appear to be invisibleto us but which are present everywhere in our universe. Universe2goshows the most impressive beautiful celestial objects, which havebeen very specially selected for you.4) In Quiz mode, you can test your knowledge of the night sky. Findconstellations universe2go wants to show you.Universe2go contains over 3 hours of audio explanations andhundreds of images made carefully, including all 88 constellations,the catalog of full Hipparcos stars (with 120,000 stars) and NGC(7000 celestial objects).IMPORTANT: You will need the stars universe2go viewer to usePlanetarium Mode (For more
universe2go - deutsch 1.3.11
Martin Neumann
universe2go is an audio-visual guide through the starry sky.
universe2go - español 1.3.9
Martin Neumann
universe2go is an audio-visual guide sky.
universe2go - românesc 1.3.10
Martin Neumann
Aceasta este versiunea în limba română a aplicaţiei şiconţinefişierele audio în limba română. NOTES FOR OTHERLANGUAGES:ENGLISH: English version available separately! SPANISH:La versiónen español está disponible por separado! HINWEIS:deutsche Versionseparat erhältlich! CONSEIL: édition françaiseaussi disponibleséparément! universe2go este un ghid audio-vizualal cerului.Aplicaţia universe2go este disponibilă în două moduri:Modul HartăStelară: acest mod vă permite rularea aplicaţieiuniverse2go fărăOchelarii Astro. Funcţionalităţile acestui mod suntlimitate. 2)Modul Planetariu: împreună cu Ochelarii Astro ataşaţiaplicaţieiuniverse2go veţi putea experimenta cerul înstelat într-unmodinedit, beneficiind de suport audio şi de tehnologiarealităţiiamplificate. Cum funcţionează? Folosind Ochelarii Astrodotaţi cutehnologie RA (RA = realitate amplificată), veţi descopericerulnopţii şi toate stelele lui ŞI în acelaşi timp veţivedeainformaţii suplimentare despre stele şi constelaţii. Osimbiozăîntre cerul real, grafică virtuală şi text este astfelcreată.universe2go va folosi senzorii smartphone-ului dumneavoastrăpentrua genera datele corespunzătoare exact punctului de pe cerspre carepriviţi. Se poate să fiţi deja familiarizat cu alteaplicaţii dehartă stelară care pot face acelaşi lucru (iar uneledintre acesteapretind a fi dotate cu tehnologia realităţiiamplificate însă nureuşesc acest lucru deoarece camerasmartphone-ului nu estecapabilă să capteze/redea imagini cu cerulnopţii). Aplicaţiauniverse2go este cu totul altceva !!! 1)universe2go are labază un algoritm şi o euristică speciale pentru oidentificarefoarte precisă a stelei spre care priviţi. (Nu ezitaţisă faceţi ocomparaţie cu alte aplicaţii existente!) 2) universe2goafişeazăconstelaţiile la scară reală aşa cum apar ele pe cer(spredeosebire de alte aplicaţii care le afişează la dimensiunireduseceea ce face ca, în cazul începătorilor, potrivirea dintreafişajulde pe ecran şi realitate să devină dificilă). 3)universe2go estedistractivă. Aplicaţia oferă un zoom activatautomat care văpermite să vedeţi planete, nebuloase, galaxii,sateliţi şi multealtele la o scară incredibilă, numeroase imaginifiind chiar înformat 3D !!! Asta este foarte mişto şidistractiv în acelaşitimp. universe2go vă pune la dispoziţie maimulte moduri astfelîncât puteţi explora cerul nopţii într-omultitudine de feluri: 1)Modul Descoperă: exploraţi toate cele 88de constelaţii oficiale.Observaţi liniile care leagă stelelecorespunzătoare şi ascultaţiinformaţiile care descriu constelaţiarespectivă. 2) ModulMitologie: ascultaţi poveşti despre constelaţiipe care le spuneaugrecii din antichitate. În acest fel, veţi învăţamulte despreeroii de demult, despre zei, fiare şi prinţesefermecătoare. 3)Modul Deep-Sky: oferă imagini (majoritatea captatede TelescopulSpaţial Hubble) cu planete, nebuloase, roiuri destele, galaxii,comete şi sateliţi pe care nici cel mai bun telescopnu le-ar puteasurprinde. Cele mai multe dintre ele în format 3D,prelucratespecial pentru aplicaţia universe2go. 4) Modul Test:testaţi-văcunoştinţele despre cerul nopţii. Identificaţiconstelaţia pe careuniverse2go v-o va arăta. universe2go conţinepeste 3 ore deinformaţii în format audio de calitate excelentă şisute de imaginiprelucrate special pentru această aplicaţie. Conţinevariantacompletă a catalogului stelar Hipparcos (120.000 de stele)precumşi Noul Catalog General de Nebuloase și Roiuri de Stele(7.000 deobiecte). IMPORTANT: pentru Modul Planetariu estenecesarăutilizarea Ochelarilor Astro ataşaţi aplicaţieiuniverse2go(ochelarii sunt disponibili la adresaţicare sunt modelele compatibile de smartphone-uri carefolosescAndroid aici: